Released on Spectrum.
Small Box - Rental Tape
13 original cartoon stories 1-2: Acquaintance (Parts l Cindy and Francois make friends with Barbapapa, but their parents think him too big and send him to a zoo. The zoo keepers get angry him because he escapes from his cage. Eventually they send him away shows his bravery and as a reward, he's allowed to live with Cindy and Francois 3-7: Voyage (Parts l V) The children and Barbapapa want to find another Barbapapa, but no-one knows where the Barbapapas live. Finally the trio decide to search in space. When safely back in their garden, they discover a Barbamama. Barbapapa is overjoyed, and the next day seven little Barbababies arrive. 8-10: New House (Parts I i. Ill) The Barbapapa family move to an empty house and a man with a digging machine tells them they'll have to move because he needs the site for a new building. The family erect a new barbaplastic house and just as they get settled in, along come the digging machines again. This time the Barbapapas are not going to move out. 11-13: Animal Rescue (Parts I Ill) Barbazzo goes to the city to rescue sick animals contaminated by their environment. The city eventually contaminates the clean land around the Barbapapa's home. The family and the animals build a rocket which transnorts them to a cleaner environment.