Clash of the Titans
UMV 10074
Released on MGM/CBS.
Big Box - Rental Tape
A spectacular screen entertainment based on centuries-old Greek and Nordic legends. Clash of the Titans depicts the heroic adventures of Perseus as he battles magic, monsters and ancient gods to rescue beautiful Andromeda from a primeval sea horror. Because he is a son of the great god Zeus. Perseus unknowingly is involved in the bawdy bickerings and angry conflicts of the gods themselves as they look down from Mount Olympus and separately decide that the very human love of Perseus and Andromeda is something to help... or to smash.
In Clash of the Titans, the gods are created by Laurence Oliver as the womanizing Zeus; Maggie Smith as Thetis, the sea goddess; Claire Bloom as Hera, Zeus' embittered wife, and Ursula Andress as Aphrodite, goddess of love. The monsters are created by Ray Harryhausen, whose Dynarama process weds live action and fantastic special effects. Among his monsters are a hag whose snake-hair paralyzes, a two-headed dog whose mouths drip poison, three witches who share a single eye, and other nightmare horrors. True movie magic!
© Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
Thank you contributors
silveroldies, philbaker76