FV 02
Released on Fancey Video.
Big Box - Rental Tape
Comeback - the story of a rock star (Rocco, played by Eric Burdon) who, at the heigh of his career, breaks away from the pressures of success. His wife and child are living with his former attorney, who with his manager, have taken him for every cent. He has nothing left. Paul, a friend, helps him keep his head above water. But, forced to rely solely upon himself, he rediscovers freedom, his music, and his identity. Tina, his wife, shows up unexpectedly and their relationship undergoes a severe test, his manager follows him to Berlin and threatens his life (if a living rock star can't bring profits, a dead one can). But Rocco triumphs in the end with his music :
"You can kill my body, but you cannot kill my spirit."
Running time 105 min.
Cert AA.