Dance Fever
MO 052
Released on Medusa.
Big Box - Rental Tape
DANCE FEVER - an up-to-the-minute story of two young Disc Jockeys and their adventures as they strive to attain their ambition of staging the World's Most Fantastic Disco Show. Music, special effects and lots of fun for the young and young at heart. MAY BE ONE DAY, INSPIRATION, STARTING FROM HERE, AIDA, DIGITAL REBEL [The Creatures], QUEEN OF WITCHES [Kano], LET'S ALL DANCE [Band of Jocks], LOVE ATTACK [Tom Hooker], FANTASIZE [Orlando Johnson], SHAME [Stephany], ROLLING ON [The Mike Lester Band], BREAKING BREAKING [Bata], RUN FOR COVER [The Mike Lester Band], TURN THE MUSIC ON [Orlando Johnson]
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