Dr Who: The Revenge of the Cybermen
BBCV 2003
Released on BBC Video.
Small Box - Rental Tape
From the longest running science fiction series in the world emerged a golden age of classic monsters - memorable grotesques such as the Daleks, Ice Warriors, Sontarans, Yeti and Cybermen! In this adventure the Doctor, with Sarah and Harry, returns to Space Station Nerva (the scene of the Ark in Space adventure) to find that the Tardis has drifted back a few thousand years in time. Plague is raging through the Nerva which is manned by only a handful of frightened survivors. Sarah falls victim to the mystery virus. The Doctor discovers that the Cybermen have taken over the station in order to use it to destroy the planet Voga where there are extensive gold mines. They wish to destroy all the gold in the solar system as it is a deadly metal to them. Will the Doctor manage to defeat the Cybermen and find an antidote to sure Sarah?