MO 049
Released on Medusa.
It might seem like eery man's dream but Melvin Simpson's irresistible sex appeal has turned his life into a nightmare. He has spent his entire life being chased by frenzied, sex crazed women who will do anything to get their hands on him. But all the years of being sexually harassed have left Melvin frigid and worst of all he's still a virgin.
Dee Tanner, a journalist, discovers that Melvin's real father is 'Alvin Purple' the sexiest man in the world - and leader of the sex cult 'The Purple People'. Having had untold numbers of women Alvin is quite naturally a burnt out physical wreck and the 'Purple People' want Melvin as a replacement - Can Melvin escape the lecherous 'Purple People' - Will he remain a virgin, or is he a chip off the old cock - All is revealed in this totally hyserical comedy and after ninety minutes of 'FOREPLAY' you will be ready for anything of fit for nothing, it all depends on how hard you laugh.