Guyana - Crime of the Century
VBPV 2557
Released on Precision.
Small Box - Rental Tape
The mass suicide that shocked the world...
The Rev. James Johnson, after a long history of Evangelism and God deeds, starts his own church which he takes from the midwestern United States to South America. He returns to settle in San Francisco, California, where he establishes his organisation under the name Johnson's Temple. His charismatic and magnetic personality gathers an army of 30,000 followers who turn over to him their possessions, bodies, minds and lives to be commanded utterly by his word. His involvement in the support of major political campains attracts the public eye.
Reports of his orgies, his application of physical and mental torture on his followers and his Hitlerian way of handling his people becomes a cause of public concern and political attack. James Johnson, sensing danger to himself and his community, emigrates with his congregation to Guyana, a socialist country in South America. There he builds a commune - Johnsontown - in which his laws and his will are absolute. But Guyana sun rises on a day that is to shock the world. The man who promised his people paradise has led them to the Gates of Hell...
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