Jesus of Nazareth: Part Four
CFV 03612
Released on Channel 5.
Small Box - Retail Tape
Director Franco Zeffirelli speaking about his contribution to 'Jesus of Nazareth' .
"I think all artists at some point in their lives have thought about doing something which figures around Christ. This applies especially to writers and people from the closely related worlds of the theatre and films. Christ has inspired us all with his grace and comprehension. Therefore, I certainly don't feel privileged to have the actual inspiration to do this film on the life of Christ. I do feel privileged, however, to have been offered the opportunity to direct this great work. "The task was very difficult and it was very hard to make certain decisions and come to certain conclusions. The preparation lasted a long time-three years . I had a whole trunkful of thoughts about the subject which I have been collecting since I was a small boy. I have always thought about the characters of Jesus and this story. I would say that I have approached 'Jesus of Nazareth' quite well prepared, and I did my best to adapt myself to the enormous job undertaken."
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