Porridge: Just Desserts/Prisoner and Escort/Desperate Hours
BBCV 4319
Released on BBC Video.
Small Box - Retail Tape
The only TV comedy series to put Barker behind bars - a crime to miss it!
Due to the lack of scholastic training Norman Stanley Fletcher took to stealing instead of stockbroking and is doing 'porridge' for taking a fancy to someone else's lorry.
Happiness is a warm handcuff when a hardened criminal is escorted to prison by a sympathetic warder who assures Fletcher that HM Prison Slade is a modern nick with a cricket pitch, a psychiatrist and courses on woodwork and botany. However, five years studying flowers on the Fells is not Fletcher's idea of wild life...
Stealing on the outside, that's work, making an honest living, but on the inside against one's fellow inmates, that's a despicable crime beneath the dignity of any normal law-abiding criminal. When Fletcher's pineapple chunks go missing he intends to get his 'just desserts'.
When you're sentenced to Christmas inside and you get porridge for Christmas dinner, you can't blame a couple of criminals for fermenting some illicit liquer. Fletcher's and Godber's prison-brewed festive ingredient should be sipped delicately by fellow inmates lest they lose the flavour, bouquet and their power of speech, but Chateau Slade is never allowed to mature and Fletcher looks like spending Christmas in Solitary.
Thank you contributors
silveroldies, Louis Walkden