Star Trek: The Original Series: Vol. 2.9
VHR 4319
Released on CIC Video.
Small Box - Retail Tape
Stardate: N/A
The U.S.S. Enterprise is discovered in orbit around the planet Omega IV. Most of the crew have been killed by a deadly virus. When Kirk, Spock and McCoy contract the same disease they beam down to the planet in the hope of finding a cure. Instead, they find the Exeter's captain and learn of his treachery...
US AIRDATE: 1.3.1968
Stardate: N/A
The U.S.S. Enterprise is on an historical fact finding mission through time. The starship has journeyed back to Earth in the 1960's to determine just how the planet managed to get through this troubled period. Whilst observing they detect a powerful transporter beam in action - aliens are at work on Earth!...
US AIRDATE: 29.3.1968