The Amazing Dobermans
DC 004
Released on Worldwide.
Small Box - Rental Tape
Blazing into action the most incredible commando Pack
An under-cover agent for the Justice Department has been posing as a gambler down on his luck to trap a brutal racketeer. The agent has endebted himself for sixteen thousand dollars and when the racketeer's henchmen corner him, his future looks less than rosy! He is saved by the timely intervention of five fearsome dobermans — in a savage attack they drive off the armed thugs.
These amazing dogs belong to a confidence trickster gone straight, he and his five dogs are on hire to guard fairs and rock concerts.
The agent meets a midget travelling with a Circus and soon becomes involved with the performers, especially their lovely bare-back rider.
A plan is evolved to snare the racketeer as he becomes interested in hi-jacking the circus pay-roll. Meanwhile the dogs have joined the circus and the amazing dobermans are a great hit with the crowd.
The bare-back rider is taken as hostage by the robbers and in a spectacular climax the dogs are left to save the day…