The Kingdom of The Ice Bear
BBCV 4081
Released on BBC Video.
Small Box - Retail Tape
The Artic is the largest untouched wilderness left on Earth. This vast expanse of frozen land and sea is often thought to be lifeless wasteland of ice and snow.
In fact it is a unique area of rare and subtle beauty, teeming with an extraordinary array of wildlife. And here the polar bear is king. Three years of filming in the Arctic has produced some of the rarest and most remarkable wildlife images ever captured on film-including memorable sequences of the mysterious narwal, beautiful white belugas, seals, caribou, Arctic foxes, snowy owls and the most polar bear bringing her tiny cubs out of their winter ice cave for the first time, this fascinating 90 mins video follows the inhabitants of the Kingdom of the Ice Bear through an Arctic Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
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