The Seven-Ups
Released on CBS/FOX.
Small Box - Rental Tape
Undercover New York cop Roy Scheider heads a secert police squad known as 'The Seven Ups' because it investigates crimes punishable by 7 or more years in jail. His link with the underworld is petty criminal Tony Lo Bianco. When a couple of thugs disguise themselves as policemen, kidnap some bigtime gangsters and hold them to ransom Scheider smells a double cross and discovers that the man he trusted for so long is running a large scale operation of his own.
A fast, thrilling cops and robbers movie from the producer of The French Connection again using real New York locations and boasting an equally spectacular car chase that starts in midtown Manhattan, crosses the George Washington Bridge and finishes upon the Palisades Parkway! Slick, tough video entertainment, directed by Philip D'Antoni.
© Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
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