The Star Chamber
Released on CBS/FOX.
Big Box - Rental Tape
Vicious criminals and sadistic killers are running rampant, fearlessly preying on whomever they choose with no fear of punishment. They know that if they're caught slick lawyers will get them off scott free by using obscure loopholes to put them back on the streets again. Caught in the middle of this horrifying situation is young, idealistic judge Steve Hardin (Michael Douglas). His court is being forced to free those it's supposed to punish yet there's not a thing Hardin can do about it. Until he discovers The Star Chamber. A small group of powerful men have decieded enough is enough. If the courts can't met'e out justice The Star Chamber will. Meeting behind closed doors in the utmost secrecy, they decree their own punishment for the guilty who have slipped through the system without paying for their crimes. Co-starring Hall Holbrook it's a deft combination of powerful drama and spell binding entertainment and a thriller as urgent and relevant as today's headlines.