Thunderbirds Six - The Movie
SMV 11267
Released on MGM/UA.
Small Box - Retail Tape
International Rescue
are back in action in
Gerry Anderson's second
adventure -
Thunderbirds 6
This action packed adventure begins when Alan Tracy sets out on a holiday with Lady Penelope, her servant, Parker, and their friend, Tin Tin.
Once aboard Skyship One, they discover a plot against International Rescue codenamed Operation Ambush.
Via a phoney message, Thunderbirds One and Two, piloted by Alan's brothers Scott and Virgil, fly straight into the trap in Casablanca!
Danger is imminent! How will they rescue the hostages aboard Skyship One, save the Thunderbirds and bring the villains to justice?
Find out by buckling up and take off - with Thunderbirds 6!
© Associated Television (overseas) Ltd. Released by United Artists Corp.