THX -1138
WEV 61162
Released on Warner Home Video.
Big Box - Rental Tape
The setting is a future society of sophisticated technology in a subterranean city. Sex is outlawed; each individual has a number , not a name. Human responses and inclinations are suppressed by constant surveillance, robot policemen, and a diet of tranquilliser drugs.
In this computer programmed world one couple, THX 1138 and LUH 3417 start breaking the rules. They reduce their drug intake , make love, and a child is conceived. SEN 5241 wants to break this up, claiming to have engineered the computers so that THX has been designated as his room mate. THX has other pre-occupations. Lessening his drug dosage has reduced his standard of work.
This is an offence. He is arrested and put in prison, where he finds a similar fate has befallen SEN. Exploring the strange, void-like confines, they encounter a man who claims to know an escape route....
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